Live Local
This is an edited Repost from last year. The Idea of Shopping and Living Locally is as relevant and important a topic as ever. Happy Holidays…
Close to Home
Whereas I’m a proponent of Thinking Globally, I am also always aware of and trying to be mindful of what is happening close to home (Where the Heart is!) We need, I believe, to be considering the implications and ramifications of the actions we take, not just personally, but as each ultimately affects the world we live in. And a great deal of what influences the directions this planet is being carried, happens close at hand. We live in a culture that has decentralized to a great degree, even as it has become mired in an insular and isolating prevailing mindset.
Of course, many factors have brought us to where we are just Now, and most of them are outside the topic of this article. I believe there is a desperate need to connect to a community, to be part of something that identifies us with home and local area, even as we realize that we are citizens of and responsible for a wider world as well. In a nutshell, we need to think globally even while we live, and act, locally.
Supporting businesses and institutions within our own community and region is a big part of this. Shopping small businesses that are in your locale is, of course, one of the best ways to lend this support. Not only does it provide for the livelihood of the business owner and employees, but it stimulates the local economy, providing monies for schools, libraries, road and beautification projects, etc. The list of benefits derived for a community by the simple act of shopping close to home is impressive.
I was recently reading a blog post that emphasized some of the things we can all do to help support businesses in our neighborhood, town or region— without necessarily even spending money. With the holidays approaching, and in that spirit of giving and helping that seems magnified during this part of the year, I wanted to pass some of these ideas along
Find the original Article. 5 Extra Ways to Support Small Businesses (That Don’t Cost a Dime!), here!

Support Small Business
Interract with and for your favorite businesses on Social Media. Whether its as simple as a Follow, a Like or a Heart, or if you take the time to Comment or Post (and tag) your own photos of businesses you frequent, it is much appreciated. If you wish to go a bit further, leave a thoughtful review or become the Google cheerleader’s for your favorite haunts. Small business owners work very hard, and your accolades are one of the ways they can measure their success.
If a shop, restaurant or other business has customer service that shines, let them and others know. If you love a product carried by a particular store, let your friends and neighbors know what it is and where you found it. Before you automatically go to a big box store, or shop online, check to see if there is a handy source for it nearby. We are all too busy, and so used to the Amazon Lifestyle, that we tend to forget the simple pleasures of shopping in a leisurely fashion or hand-picking a gift or item we need from a store in our own area.
Support the events and promotions, seasonal and otherwise, participated in or sponsored by local merchants and community organizations. Not only are these often fun, but you may find deals and new things you haven’t even heard about.
We're Over the Rainbow— Texas Style
Just a few notes and observations before I go. We can’t wait to celebrate our second Fort Davis Texas Holiday Season as one of the newer businesses in town. We’ve got some great gift ideas in the store, along with cards and wrapping paper you probably wont find just everywhere. We try to keep it fresh and fun. We’re a bit quirky, and we know it, so we try to build on our strengths. Watch Facebook and Instagram for store specials and promotions as the holidays approach, and a big Very Vintage Christmas sale from December 10th to 17th. Take 20% Off all Christmas Decorations.
Make the Season Bright and your Holidays Local
#shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #homefortheholidays #community

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