Anticipating the Holidays
Special Hours and Other Tidings

Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me. I can’t believe that November is already over half over. However, Thanksgiving [or the Food Holiday as I call it] is just about my favorite. At Over the Rainbow, we Close on Wednesday’s anyway [it’s the only day of the week we are normally closed] and this works well for me, because I typically spend the entire day cooking. That’s one of my traditions, though I only cook for four people these days rather than the 20+ that have often occupied our table[s] in the past. I do my baking and some of my sides so that the actual day is not as frenetic, and I can attend to the details.
That said, while we will most certainly be closed on Thanksgiving [November 23rd this year] we will be back at the store and ready for whatever passes as Black Friday in Fort Davis. With the approaching Holidays, we will, as we did during the summer, extend Friday and Saturday Evenings until 6:00 pm. Don’t forget that Saturday [ Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities.] would be a great time to visit your local merchants and show them some love, as well as getting a head-start [if you haven’t already] on your holiday shopping. Small Businesses are the Heart of a Community. Don’t miss an opportunity to show them how much you appreciate them.
At Over the Rainbow, we have a very nice selection of gift ideas, holiday cards and some wrapping paper, Christmas décor, both new and vintage, that you won’t find anywhere else around here, and much more. We are small but we pack a mighty amount of merchandise into this space. We’d love for you to visit and shop. We’re decorated inside for the holidays already, and by next week we’ll be lighting up the night [though always mindful of the Dark Sky Initiative that is keeping our area one of the most beautiful for stargazing in the United States] as well.
Fort Davis Frontier Christmas Celebration

We are getting excited about the Frontier Christmas Celebration on Saturday, December 9th. Hopefully, all of the activity won’t stay exclusively down around the Courthouse. With the Buggy and Wagon tours, the Lighting Contest and merchants staying open late for the festivities, it should make for a wonderful evening. We will have homemade Cookies for sure, and possibly Hot Mulled Cider as well. We will be running specials and sales from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve. Everything in the store will be 25% Off for Frontier Christmas, and we will have gifts and surprises for our shoppers. Mark your calendars for this one.
Holiday Schedule

On the left, I have provided our Holiday Schedule as I know it at present. We will Be closed on Thanksgiving, early on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day. Right now, I expect to open our regular [Sunday] hours on New Year’s Eve and close that Monday for the Holiday.
Be aware that we are a small business, and that the unanticipated can and does upset our best-laid plans at times. Generally, it is the weather that causes unforeseen closures or abbreviation of hours. We are getting to the season in West Texas when weather can be capricious and sometimes downright unpleasant.
If anything, health, weather or otherwise arises, I will post on Facebook and Instagram as soon as possible.
If you don’t Follow Us already, I am providing the links so that you can. We really appreciate you all.
Happy Holidays

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